Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A Journey of Rediscovery

Given the rather somber, philosophical nature of my recent posts, you're probably thinking, given the title, that this is another one of those. It's probably about how we need to rediscover our roots, or something like that. Fortunately, as I don't dye my hair, my roots were never lost ;)

Today's journey of rediscovery started after I'd finished all that could be done from home for our online store update. For those of you who don't know, our store at the Children's Museum has its own website at where you can buy a selection of our products. I am one of two people at the store that are charged with both maintaining and updating the online store, and so it's been a source of pressure for a few weeks now, but as we're updating tomorrow, there's not much left to do.

After typing up a few final things, I took myself off to the library. Ah, the library. For years I've preferred to purchase my books, building my own library and thereby having access to many of my favorite books whenever I want them (not to mention they just look cool when they're all neatly shelved). I've also managed to avoid late fees this way. Due to my own...less than frugal...habits, however, this is no longer feasible, except perhaps on a small, selective scale (for instance, perhaps one or two books every couple of months instead of seven or eight). In light of this, I got onto the Salt Lake County Library System website and put a couple of books on hold.

When I walked in to pick them up, I got sidetracked by the books on sale. While they're typically aren't any books I would usually buy, the fact that it's only fifty cents for a hardback sold me on a couple of them. I also checked out four other books and three dvd's. Yay! The main challenge now, of course, will be to make sure to get the books and dvd's back in time to prevent late fees :)

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