Friday, July 31, 2009

To Sleep...I Wish

I've always found it something ironic that when you need sleep the most it proves to be quite elusive. I had very little pressure on my "stay-cation" and therefore slept whenever I wanted, but now, after a 10 hour shift and right before a 12 hour shift I just can't really get to asleep. Sigh.

Having said that, at least my bosses fully intend me to use my PTO this year. At Discovery Gateway, a non-profit children's museum, those who work there don't stay for the pay for good reason-it's not exactly rolling in the dough. Having said that, full-time staff members do get a couple of good perks, including a decent amount of PTO per fiscal year. Unfortunately, due to the staffing in my department (or more typically the lack thereof), I lost a fair amount of hours as I was unable to take that time off prior to the end of the fiscal year and those hours don't roll over.

This fiscal year started on July 1st and started the PTO balance anew. I scheduled my stay-cation because I was in desperate need of a break (most if not all of my coworkers would agree with this, as I was rather frazzled by that point and only getting worse). That being said, in an effort to not lose more hours (or my sanity, though it may be too late for that), I am already being encouraged to look at taking some more time off, perhaps in October. As I won't be traveling, I dare say I'll be spending the time basking in the solitude of my new back apartment and reading, or watching Naruto in Japanese on For those of you who are wondering, no I haven't moved into the back yet, but I hope to within the next two or three weeks.

Until then, work is rather interesting to say the least. I'm having a rather fun time with the changes, for all the increased work load is not exactly ideal. I've met one of our new employees, and am looking forward to working with two more over the next couple of days. On the down side, we've had to work through which will result in increased security measures in our department. Sigh. We are also already preparing for the holiday season, are updating our online store next week, and will be updating it again in two months. I am behind on those projects, but at least I'm about caught up on one or two other rather large ones. It's all about give-and-take. At least my job is never boring :) And it's a good thing that September is historically slow at DG (school starts up and parents no longer have to worry so much about entertaining their children during the day--a great month to have the museum practically to yourselves if you're thinking of visiting), so that I'll have time to catch up on everything and train others in the tasks that only I currently know.

Well, I'm off to read for a bit, and then hopefully I'll be able to rest. At least I shouldn't have any problems falling asleep tomorrow night. Then again, if I do, at least I won't have to get up on Saturday until noon or so. It's all about counting your blessings I suppose :)

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