Monday, July 20, 2009

Stay-cation Day One

Isn't the point of taking a stay-cation to relax without the hassle of packing to go someplace else? I didn't really have plans for this week, but whatever they were they took a turn last night. Over the past couple of months I've put my body through a wringer- back in April I rejoined Weight Watchers, knowing that my then-current weight was really having an effect on me, on my body, my self-esteem. I have since begun making the lifestyle changes that are necessary for long-term weight loss (and it's paid off-I've lost 25 lbs so far :) ). It does have certain ramifications, however, on the things that happened later.

May and June (especially June) were intense months between remerchandizing the store, and then in prep and completion of June Inventory. After the hard work, both physical and mental, of June inventory, though, my sleep and eating habits were out of whack. I started eating too much after several months of tapering it down. I had one nightmarish migraine that week. While I do get chronic migraines, I go through phases with them, and I guess this marked the start of a new round.

I had another minor migraine about two days after that one, and had another huge one last Monday. I've been up and down physically this last week, and after two back-to-back twelve hour shifts, I guess my body decided to protest yet again. Yesterday saw the start of my most recent migraine, which didn't end until this afternoon. Sigh.

Having said all of that, however, I am very much looking forward to breaking the cycle, and am going to use this week to do it. Back to a regular sleep schedule. Clean the bedroom, get rid of all of the crap on the floor. Exercise, prepare actual meals. Most of all, just let my body recouperate, and get back the reserves that I finally burned through as of two days ago. Wish me luck!

I did enjoy going to FHE tonight. I was recently called as a group co-chair, and so now have no excuse for missing :) We went to Brother and Sister Mayer's house. Brother Mayer is a counselor in the Holladay 29th ward. We had a great lesson & discussion on Our Refined Heavenly Home from the Ensign. I get to give the lesson next week, good thing I'll have time to prepare :)

On a final note, a big big BIG thanks to my brother-in-law Chris for taking my car apart and putting it back together. Once again, you are Amazing :)

1 comment:

Karrie said...

Hi Deborah! Love you! Your room looks great.