Monday, August 2, 2010

Family Vacation-Day Five

For those of you who are just reading for the first time, scroll on down to read about the previous days and work your way back to this one.

When we arrived at Walmart on Wednesday night, I was very happy to see an Alberston's next door. I was rather sad when ours were all sold out, as they had by far my favorite bakery. I keep hoping to find a decent garlic bread to replace theirs, but have had no real success as of yet. On Thursday morning before we left Rexburg I hurried in and got a couple of loaves, which we quite thoroughly enjoyed on Saturday night :)

As we wended our way through Idaho, we decided we didn't want another mediocre meal. Knowing we'd hit Pocatello around lunch time, we called Chris Wampler, my brother-in-law, for recommendations, as he had grown up in nearby Aberdeen. After picking from his suggestions, and with the aid of the GPS, we made our way to Sizzler, where we enjoyed our meals and I snagged another picture:

A few hours later, we found ourselves at home at last. I snapped one last picture of the bear collection Mom had started back at our first stop and completed at Yellowstone. From left to right, they are Yellowstone, Little America in Wyoming, Wall Drug in South Dakota, Cody, WY, and Mt. Rushmore.

I personally had a reason to get home a bit earlier than the rest (though at that point, like in many a good vacation, we were pretty much ready to be home). My cousin, Cory Stephens, and his wife, Charisse, were in Utah and were blessing their newborn son, Henry John Stephens. I was glad to be home in plenty of time to rest a bit, take a good, long hot shower, and make my way down to Sandy. I was very grateful for the chance to see my cousin and his family.

By the time I got home, my sisters had brought their families over to the house.

I took the opportunity to bring out one of our newest toys at the museum, Rocket Balloons. They've been a big hit there, though they met with mixed reactions in the family crowd. For the most part we all had fun with them, Jane and Michael especially. Dalton, on the other hand, was scared, and consoled only in the safety of his mother's arms. I just wish I had had my camera handy at the time.

Orange has been our family color for a few years now, as it is "bright, cheerful, and a little bit tacky". At one point during our vacation, my sister Laura bought some bright orange bowls for my parents. I don't know what drove me to it, but I took the opportunity to start a new fashion trend:

(Needless to say it wasn't a long-lived trend)
And so ends the last day of our family vacation!

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

Oh my gosh, when were you in Rexburg? Perhaps our paths may have crossed?