Thursday, March 4, 2010

Midnight to Noon

Yesterday was a good day, though perhaps some would not agree. I've been really congested for several days and went through at least 50 tissues. I didn't get a single thing I'd planned done in the office. And I was at work for over 12 hours trying to diagnose a large inventory discrepancy and help form and implement a new policy to prevent it from occuring again. There was a time, in the not at all distant past, that these events would have left me feeling entitled to having a really bad day.

Not any more :) After several heart-felt conversations with my parents (thanks to Dad especially for the after-midnight ones) I've decided to appreciate what I have, what I do, and who I do it with. To be honest, I actually thoroughly enjoyed what happened yesterday. Not that I want inventory discrepancies, but I enjoyed working with others to try to find out where it went wrong, then to determine the parameters of the new policy and then taking the time to write up and distribute it. I was involved in almost every aspect of the process. It was a puzzle that I was able to help put together and solve.

Is the problem fixed? We hope so, but any time such a policy is implemented, time must be spent working out the kinks and analyzing the results. While this will affect everyone in my department, adding time to what used to be the easiest transaction at the regisers, I will have to sit down every day and try to figure out if it works, if there are any errors or holes, and track any more discrepancies. Do I mind? Nope, not really :) While it adds time and tasks to my day, again it's a puzzle that I get to help put together.

So what does that have to do with midnight and noon? I got home just after 10 last night and took Nyquil around 11. I was asleep right around midnight and slept, with perhaps a few interruptions, until noon. Ah, happy day :) I'm feeling well-rested, I'm less congested, and I had lasagna and nutty bars for breakfast. I'm watching Burn Notice and, well, writing this blog. A good start to a good day off :)

On another good note, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MOM AND DAD!!

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