Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A Wonderful Day

Yesterday was a wonderful day. After two months of stressful, though manageable, action and pressure I had a day all to myself. Nothing to do but what I personally chose to do. I took advantage of my shoulder, the reason I had two days off in a row, to sleep in and do nothing. Literally. I spent a good five hours watching Highlander episodes (starring the incredibly attractive Adrian Paul) and working on Sudoku puzzles. It was an incredible relief, a day that both my body and my mind rejoiced in.

Owing to my ever-increasing sense of efficiency and productivity, however, I did take the time in the evening to clean my new room. Having just moved into it, there were pictures to be hung, clothes to be put away, and curtains to mount (thanks again Christian!). I begin again to reevaluate my perspectives from this new stage in my life-after two days of not much going on, I can see how it would be possible to have too much time to yourself. Only so many hours you can spend on tv and sudoku. Fortunately I have a good job that I truly enjoy. There's always something to do, and I'm constantly working hard and learning from the experience.

Speaking of work, and the benefits of taking a break, my shoulder is finally getting better. The muscles are feeling more like they are sore and less, well, injured. Its not perfect yet, but I'm not as limited in my range of motion now. Yay! I'll be able to get back into the tasks I'm used to performing uninhibited-like lifting boxes and reaching product on higher shelves. The register is certainly getting easier to use-owing both to my improving right shoulder and my increased proficiency with my left hand.

Well, its getting late and I have a new book to read. To days off, finding satisfaction and joy in hard work, and healing shoulders. Cheers!

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