Friday, September 7, 2012

Payson Lakes Camping Trip- Write That Down Notebook

Laura has already posted a few, but here are some more.  This particular write that down edition comes from a notebook mom brought along specifically for this.  The notebook spans several days and includes the trip down to Payson through the morning before we left.  Participants vary a great deal, good luck guessing who said what!

Your shoes are untied-Safety First!

That down

I'm bored.  I should have just gone with dad.

I have a programming book, a math book, and a science fiction book.

Uncle Darren, on the freeway, I will watch and make sure we don't bonk into anything.  So, are you okay with that?

There's a car in the road, honk!

I'm writing an encryption key!

With your spoon, you can accomplish anything

It's hard to climb up a step with a bucket on your head.

You smell like bug spray.

MHS.  What do you think of?
Midvale High School
I got Mountain Hernia Service.

We can't be funny, its too dark.

Don't laugh at my hair.
Can I laugh near your hair?

But I made a really good shadow!

I have tinkerbell!

Michael's pants would fit my foot.

I put your hair stuff back in the tackle box.

You know our family's weird when that doesn't sound strange.
You know our family's weird when you see us.

She has mom fingers.  Does she have a mom tongue, too?

I kind of want to roast a granola bar.  Wrap it in bacon.

Michael's encryption:
Each character has a value.
You need to convert this value to Binary.
Then, you XOR the value with 63(111111
XORing is setting a value to 1 if the two initial ones are different, or to 0 if they're the same.  So, encrypting a capital B would go like this:
011100(28)  (one digit here might be wrong, it was hard to make out...)
100011=35 ((I)
You do this for each character.
"Text Message" would become:
You just XOR it again to get the original message
There is then a bunch of listed values, available upon request

That's why we're on the buddy system-so someone can get away from the bear.

That was odd you had an opinion.

I don't have any designated pajama pants.

Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, light me!

What's so wrong with peanut butter bacon?

That sounded less funny in my head.

Come over here and blow it in Amy's direction

Poke it Chase, poke it!

That was my booger, it was right after the flare.

If I could add one thing to their list of needs it would be chapstick.

I think.  In general.

'Cause there's a dead man in Payson Lake

She's ok with her kids drinking lake water.

There's ducks in that water.  Fish die in that water.  There's bandaids in that water.

I really need to go to bed, but I want more bacon.

I was gonna say saved my butt, but I didn't get burned there.

I am a children.  Did you bring anything? No, 'cause you're a children.

You're burnt.  You don't get bacon if you're burnt.

I can't see it, turn my necklace on.

We should go camping all the time, everyone hugs me!

Chase, let's steal some and fry it for breakfast!

You could be a man in black. But only that one finger.

But you all have to live with me, 'cause I can't go through that many deaths.

Ah Ben, I forgot about Ben!  I'll have to live forever then.

Moose is not dead, she has changed position.

Our car smells like dog food and bacon.  That's the perfect scent for a car.

I could cut it off and it wouldn't hurt anymore.

We talked about kidnapping children today.

It wasn't really kidnapping, we traded.

Lets eat bacon and go to sleep.

It's okay.  I just spilled water, not the bacon.

My hand hurts, I'm going to bed.

If Rain pees, does that mean its raining?

I will be terribly upset if you all get eaten by bears.  If only half of you got eaten I'd be ok.

She stuck her tongue out at me.  I couldn't think of a witty remark, it just seemed to fit.

You catch a fish when fish feel like biting things.  And you get lucky.

That's enough for my whole head. Without hair. We can arrange that.

Here Amy, write stuff down.

Stuff down.

Write jokes.  Write that!

Deborah, did I make bubbles?

I don't remember.  But it was funny.

That wasn't a knee-jerk reaction, it was a finger reaction.

Its weird seeing you without glasses.  It's weird seeing you without my glasses.

Though purple pomegranate and flesh eating Rambo hike greasy slides while chasing butterflies never insist always persist

Why didn't radioactive canteloupe dice casino slots, buffalo horns, and Jane?

Rick diced potatoes that were red and able to sing catmanduzal?

Once light canteloupe bit Jane on purpose because cat eat fish.

Let's play a princess game.  We need a princess, two guards, and a prince.  I will be the princess.  Dalton, you're the prince.  Nicole and Megan, you are the guards.  The prince is a boy, so that's why you are the prince, Dalton.

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