Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Books Books Books!!!

Can I just say that I love books? I LOVE BOOKS!!! There, I said it :)

Anyone who knows me, with perhaps the one exception of the person I started training on the register today (sorry Whitney), knows that I read practically every day. I read on my breaks (or at least I would if they existed anymore), I read when I get home. I read every night when I go to bed. If I have the day off I read before I even get out of bed. For years, books where an escape. The only way that I didn't feel like I was lacking, like I didn't measure up. In books I didn't exist as myself. I learned at a young age how to relate to the characters and then became completely absorbed in their lives. I lived their adventures, rejoiced in their successes, felt their pains and wept for their losses. Yes, I cried. I still do. My favorite way to spend my time when we lived in Marysville was to go to the library and check out a whole new stack of books. That's how I first learned to walk and then to ride my bike while reading. Over time I no longer needed to escape. I learned how to live my own life and enjoy it. Books will always remain a huge part of my life, though. They're still my favorite way to de-stress. Even now if I have the money the first place I go to is Barnes and Noble to find all the new books my by favorite authors (Tamora Pierce, Robin McKinley, Mercedes Lackey and Gerald Morris to name just a few).

Now to my success-I finally learned how to add my goodreads widget to my blog! Yay! It took me several websites and methods, but it is now proudly placed on the left-hand side. Two hundred of the books I've read, in alphabetical order by title. I will probably be adding other widgets later, such as my current-reads list, and perhaps I'll find a way to post the book we're reading in my ward's Relief Society book club. Right now it's Christmas Jars by Jason Wright and Christmas Oranges by Linda Bethers and Ben Sowards.

Thus begins the end of a long, hard day. As soon as I'm done posting this blog I'll grab a spoon and some Brownie Batter ice cream (thanks again, Morgan), head back to my room, curl up in my robe and continue reading Brisingr by Christopher Paolini. Fortunately I don't work tomorrow, so even if I stay up through the wee hours of the night I'll at least be able to sleep in a couple of hours.

Uh oh. Dad just turned on an eye-catching episode of Northern Exposure. Looks like I won't even start reading until the wee hours :)


Kristen Victoria said...

HOLY COW THAT'S A LOT OF BOOKS!! I think I have a new found respect for you Deborah :)

You should totally be a writer! It's what you love, it's what you do, and it's who you are! I love your excerpts so far... very entertaining.

Any idea what the title will be? Or what your pen name will be?

Heather said...

I LOVE this post... way cute, honest, and vunerable even.. Seriously... I WISH I read just even a 16th of what you have.. Maybe then I'd be smarter than I am now too.....